Darkfield 10x loupes with light |
Portable type darkfield loupe is designed for grading loose diamonds and coloured gemstonges, with 10*20.5mm triplet lens ,and flashlight that provides darkfield illumination to the stones viewed, easily to see inside fracture or inclusion of stones, same principle as jeweler microscopes(with darkfield illumination),come with easy carrying PU pouch
Chelsea filter is useful for separate emeralds from imitations, viewing through the filter, natural and synthetic emerals look red, or pink, other green stones stil look green ,also helps detecting dyes in the certain gems, such as dyed jade green, etc,
Special designed ruby filter that detect natual ruby from synthetic ruby, and also useful for other gemstones,
This instruments easily separate garnet from ruby by whether a stone is singly or doubly refractive, easily to view a gem pleochroic colours by this instrumernts
Easy to carry polariscopes, testing single or double refraction, optical properties and pleochroism of gemstones, come with PU carrying pouch and flashlight.
Test transparent or translucent gems, booth loose or mounted to determines single or double refraction, also detect optical properties, pleochroism and strain in natural and synthetic stones, with stoneholder on both sides, operates at 110v or 220v
This handy pocket spectroscopes has a fixed slit protected with a glass cover and an adjustable tube to bring absorption lines into focus, a precise aid to identification of gemstones,
The refractometer has readings from 1,31 to 1.81, with pull out eyepiece, give clear focus and reading, polarizing filter, monochroma tic filter, and lightsource, supplied with 1.8 OR1 liquid
Keychain UV light
Small LED UV light key chain provide long wave ultraviolet light to check for fluores cence, easy to carry anywhere,
Easy to carry gem lab kit contains: DIAMOND SURE 11 ,Chelsea filter, 10x hexagonal loupe, gem tweezer, portable polariscope, spectroscope, dichroscope , refractometer ,nice gem kit combination at economic price, also design different combination of gem lab kit
GEM LAB KIT-We design any gem kit
Compact designed gem lab kit contains:
10x Loupe, tweezer, diamond tester, Chelsea filter, dichroscope, polariscope, spectroscope, refractometer, (with liquid & flashlight) , Size:290x200x60mm